
Fotomagazine Kontakt – Belgium 5/ 1995

Best of friends- Creative Monochrome UK. 2001

Digital Photo Art  UK.  20/2002

Mono – UK issue31/2002

Maria door Vlaanderen gedragen – Belgium 2009

Beeld Express – Belgium 5/2009

Kroningskalender 2009 – Belgium 2009

Kroningskoppen 2009 – DVD – Belgium 2009

Columbusmagazine- Collectors Edition – The Netherlands 2009

Buiten Competitie fotoboek – Belgium 2010

Beelden van Birma – Peter de Ruiter – The Netherlands 2010

National Geographic Calendar 2017 – The Netherlands 2016 (2X)

Shades of Color Photography Magazine 2 – 2018

LFI gallery – Portrait Challenge 2020 – 5 acceptances Leica- Germany  2020

Tournée Locale – Hasselt 2022

LFI gallery – Akt en Art- 2 acceptances – Germany 2022

Shoot Magazine nr.113 - 2024


Solo - Exhibitions in Brussel(B), Duffel (B), Genk(B), Tongeren (B) (Médecins sans Frontières), Macon (F), Esch-sur-Alzette (L), Merchweiler (G)

Selectie voor „Open Spel“ CCHA– curator Carla Kogelman – Belgium 2020

‘Saudade’ Afstudeerproject SASK Knst Hasselt - juni 2022 

Vebem Lommel – Art Expo – Kunst van Limburgse Academies  9-28/7/2022

Aankomst/Arrivée Kunstgalerie Knst Hasselt  1/9-15/10/2022

A4 contact Vrijzinnig Punt Hasselt 1/9-15/10/2022

'Vertroosting' eindproject Knst  Specialisatie Kunstfotografie -  juni 2024

Expo XS/XL  - Zldr Luchtfabriek - 4/7-25/8/2024

Daniël Lousbergh werd in 1951 geboren en was huisarts en docent aan de KULeuven.

Hij fotografeert sinds 1958 en is autodidact in de donkere kamer.

In 2021 studeerde hij af aan  de afdeling Fotografie van 'Knst' (Kunstacademie Hasselt) o.l.v.  Carlo Valkenborgh en Sanne Weckx.

Momenteel specialiseert hij zich in oude technieken, met name de gomdruk, bijgestaan door Jean-Marie Detré en Eddy Willems.

Workshops bij Kees Brandenburg in Middelburg - Nederland vullen zijn opleiding aan.

In 1995 werd hij lid van de internationale groep Alfa  en in 2015 van de interregionale Interlimburg.

Vooral het  portret en de lichtspeling in het landschap trekken hem aan. Maar ook sociale documentaires, reisfotografie en figuurstudies vullen zijn portfolio. 

Daniël Lousbergh, M.D. (°1951 – Belgium) retired general practitioner and lecturer University of Leuven..

He has been photographing since 1958.

In 1995 he joined the international photo group Alfa and since 2015 the interregional Interlimburg.

In 2021 he graduated from the Photography department of the Music and Arts Academy Knst. (Hasselt - Belgium) where he studied  under Carlo Valkenborgh and Sanne Weckx.

He currently specialises in old techniques, particularly Gum prints with Jean-Marie Detré and Eddy Willems as teachers.

Additional workshops with Kees Brandenburg added to his curriculum.

In his work, one can find specific elements that constitute his signature style. His portraits of people all over the world testify of his human sympathy and deep respect for his subject. He photographs mainly in black and white to highlight his subjects’ character.

Getting close to all kinds of people, through his lens and through his conversation (sometimes merely non-verbal, but always with a sense of humour) improves him incredibly as a person.

That’s why his Hasselblad or Leica  will never be too heavy, even when climbing mountains or marching the desert.